O blogger conta ser pago pelo conteúdo deste post / This post is due to be payed by it’s sponsor

Este post será escrito em Inglês por capricho do autor. Qualquer futuro post patrocinado no âmbito desta iniciativa surgirá em Português.

Here goes some English for a change. This weblog is officially entering an advertising experience. I’ve been conducting some of this experiences in Adufe 3.0 as some of you probably now – by the way, the last one (blogsvertise) didn’t go very well as I will describe with some detail in a couple of days in Adufe 3.0.

But what brings me here his somewhat of a proxy of the last experience with the difference that it was presented to me by a somewhat more reliable source: Text Link Ads. And this is the only reason I’ll try again more or less the same concept: review some product in the weblog.

In this case things are not yet very explicit. For example, for the time being no one demands a minimum number of links neither demand a good review but this is just the beginning some caution is in order. ReviewMe is trying to catch your attention with a special offer in which they will pay an accumulated sum of $25.000 to the publishers that review their offer. For example this review is due to have a payout of $50 (the amount depends of a pre-evaluation of the weblog ranking in the net and I guess $50 is not so bad – Adufe 3.0 would pay only $20).

In the "Why?" Section of ReviewMe you will find their “problem solving solutions”. As some one already noticed before, this kind of advertising is going to change publicity in the net itself and probably after an adaptation period the effectiveness of this kind of adverting will decline but in benefit of what, I ask? This is plain and simple publicity, previously referenced in the beginning of the post and you are only reading because you want to. Will this kind of publicity in a lower effectiveness future be treated for instance has hidden pay-per-post schemes?

Let’s find out by giving Review.me and the like services a chance. I’m sick and tired of the almost monopolistic (and blogger blind) offer by google adsense for example. Naturally I will give you the follow up on this experience one month from now – when the payment is due.

To end with I leave here the FAQ that you can find in ReviewMe site. Very interesting don’t you think so?


Why was my blog rejected?

To be accepted into ReviewMe, a blog must meet a minimum number of citations, subscribers, and traffic. If your blog is rejected, you may want to return in a few months’ time and submit again.

How do I get review offers? How can I review more stuff?

In the ReviewMe system, advertisers choose which blogs review them. So basically, sit back, and let the review offers come to you.

What are the review guidelines?

We like to keep the guidelines loose, so bloggers can write in a way that makes sense for their unique niche and audience. We do require that all reviews are at least 200 words long, and that the review post is disclosed as being sponsored in some fashion.

How and when will I get paid?

Our payments are calculated and paid out on a monthly basis. On the 1st of each month, earnings will be calculated and shown in the earnings section of your account. Payments will be sent out shortly thereafter, no later than the 4th.

Do reviews have to be in English?

Please write reviews in your blog’s "normal" language. If your blog’s category is German, for example, advertisers will generally expect the language of the review to be German.


Can I require a positive review?

We do not allow advertisers to require a positive review. The vast majority of reviews are measuredly positive, although many do contain constructive criticism. We view this as a bonus: how else can you quickly and cheaply get feedback on a product or service from"

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